The Repair Process
Find your product in our repair catalog
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Pack and Send your item to us for repair
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Search for you item below to get started. If you don't find your item, try a search with fewer words; just the model number (or even a part of the model number) works best.
Search Tips
Search for the model name, manufacturer, or model number
Use Single word searches
Use the first few characters of the model number to generate the most search results.
If you don't find it, give us a call to see if we can help!

We have repaired thousands of controls in our 50+ year history; search our database by manufacturer part number, partial item number, manufacturer, or category using the search tool on the top of this page. Currently there are more than 80,000 items listed for repair and over 100,000 successful repairs.
Note: We have some items for sale in our inventory, but the majority of items listed here are for repair only.