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Controls come in two different types of systems: open loop and closed loop. The controls we deal with can be found in industrial electronics, defense, aerospace, industrial automation, automotive and medical applications. They can be found in cars, rvs, appliances, robots, assembly line production units in manufacturing facilities and more. 

If controls malfunction, which can occur from a variety of factors ranging from temperature fluctuations to physical damage, they can cause a huge disruption in your workflow.   We can repair a variety of controls to get you running effectively and avoiding costly replacement fees.

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1017 Items Found
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Mfg. Mfg. Part Num. Description Prices
General Electric GE-2011C-6SL Tap Changer Control Repair: Call for price
Mikron Instrument M77EM-1300-2500-FR-L-1 Electronic Signal Conditioning Module Repair: Call for price
Linak HB71000-004122 Patient Lift Control Pendant Repair: Call for price
Sherman Treaters Ltd. GX20 High Frequency Treater Generator Repair: 2,936.00
RFL Electronics HB-25110 FS Oscillator and Keyer Repair: 708.00
RFL Electronics HB-19925 FS Transmitter Repair: 744.00
RFL Electronics HB-21050 FS Transmitter Repair: 744.00
RFL Electronics HB-21040 FS Transmitter Repair: 744.00
RFL Electronics HB-21055 FS Transmitter Repair: 744.00
RFL Electronics HB-21050-14 FS Transmitter Repair: 744.00
RFL Electronics HB-25110-3 FS Oscillator and Keyer Repair: 708.00
Cincinnati Inc. 818439 EM Multi-Position Panel with Cable Repair: Call for price
Hayward CAT 5000 Water Quality Control - CAT Controller POOLCOMM Repair: 2,192.00
Gefran 2300-SW-3R-0-C-P25 2300 1/8 DIN Indicator / Alarm Control Repair: 416.00
Gefran 2300-SW-3R-1-C-P25 2300 1/8 DIN Indicator / Alarm Control Repair: 416.00
Sigmatek DTS-152 Control Board Repair: Call for price
Paktronics P64F0318926 Control Repair: 352.00
1017 Items Found
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