Rytec Corporation

Control System Labs provides repair services for your Rytec equipment. Testing by our technical staff and a 2-year warranty backs up our Rytec repairs. We repair many Rytec products including: System 3 Door opener.


Rytec is leading manufacturer of high-cycle, high-speed doors for industrial and commercial applications. We can repair many of the older controllers which are obsolete and no longer supported. Whether your equipment is inoperable, intermittent, partially operational or throwing fault codes let our experts help you diagnose your problem and repair your equipment.

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Mfg. Mfg. Part Num. Description Prices
Rytec Corporation DG-1000 Gateway Door / Gate Logic Control Repair: 968.00
Rytec Corporation TST FU3P-BP Door Control Panel Main Board Repair: 1,288.00
Rytec Corporation TST FU3R-A System 4 Door Control Unit Repair: 1,364.00
Rytec Corporation TST FU3P-AP System 4 Door Control Board Repair: 1,288.00
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